How far along: 36 weeks
Total weight gain: + 23 lbs- up 4 pounds from last dr. visit
Maternity clothes: All maternity now. Having to do lots of laundry to make sure I have clothes. Trying not to buy anything new with only a month left to go.
Stretch marks: None on my belly, but definitely on my breasts
Sleep:Got lots of extra sleep this past week being out of school - it was my thanksgiving gift to myself. Had a couple of nights of not waking up until 6 or 7 and that was AWESOME!!!!
Labor Signs: Been having some contractions in the last couple of days. Not sure if they are Braxton Hicks or the real thing. They don't last too long but they do hurt.
Symptoms: Leaking, hip pain, lower back pain, numb spot on my right leg, numb spot on my left shoulder, acne like a teenager, tired all the time, sore ribs from all the kicking and punching.
Best moment this week: Being out of school! This meant extra sleep, getting to see our family in Tulsa, and spending some quality time with the hubby! I really was able to relax a whole lot which doesn't happen very often.
Miss anything: Being able to wear all my own clothes, Sushi, not being tired all the time, being able to put my shoes on without pain.
Movement: She is still moving around like crazy. My whole stomach moves when she does. She also has the hiccups on a pretty regular basis.
Food Cravings: Donut holes - haven't given into this one, apples and caramel, LOTS of apple juice, fruit - oranges, apples, grapefruit.
Anything make you sick or queasy:ground beef still out, dead animals on the side of the road
Gender: GIRL! Ainsleigh Ryen.
Belly Button in or out: in getting way smaller and flatter
Wedding rings on or off: on and with the cold weather they are also pretty loose most days.
Mood: Feeling good lately. Really ready for the next few weeks to go by.
Looking forward to: Getting the house ready for Christmas, Waiting to wait for Ainsleigh in this season of Advent.