So...It’s been awhile since I blogged. Nothing makes you busier than being a new mom. I’m on my last week of maternity leave and what better way to end my time at home than to pick back up blogging? Like I don’t need anything else to keep me busy.
Being a mom is the best job in the world. My sweet little Ainsleigh is the light of my life. She is growing so fast!!! She has been a wonderful baby and is so very happy! She is a petite but healthy little girl. There have definitely been some trying times, like realizing your daughter doesn't like processed meats after a great hot dog or the fact that she always has major blowouts in my favorite zebra pants - literally, 3 times! But when she smiles, and rolls over, and practices her wuh, wuh, Webber everything is right in the world. Here are a few of her newborn and 3 month pics from my amazing photographer friend Katie Brockmeyer.
There are so many more pictures I could post, but I want to get back to the reason I started this blog.
Back to the blog...
My original purpose of this blog was to share the projects I've attempted from pinterest. I am a self-proclaimed pinterestaholic and am constantly going back to my boards to find new inspiration pinspiration. That is my plan again. I want to share what I am doing in my little world with a little help from Pinterest. I have several projects that I will be ready to share in the coming days and I am so excited!!! Stay tuned!

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